Important Note:
Opinions are fun. My friends tell me I am someone with lots of opinions and that's fine since I don't get mad at others when they disagree with me. In this same spirit I am interested in hearing yours views as long as you are able to share your views without boiling over. I look forward to hearing from you. I tend to write in the form of short essays most of the time, but contributions do not need to be in this same format or size. Some of the content here will date itself pretty quickly, other content may be virtually timeless, this is for the reader to judge.
Displaying 1 - 10 of 16 <Prev 1 2 Next>
Dealing with choice
Posted at: Apr/12/2017 : Posted by: mel
Related Category: Behavior, People, Society,
Despite the content from our 7/24 news cycle, the world that most westerner’s live in has unquestionably gotten a lot better. People live longer, are wealthier and more secure than ever. Medical care is readily available along with primary and secondary education. Never before in human history could anyone have imagined that obesity would be a problem except for an elite few. While undeniably more…
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What makes a perfect parent?
Posted at: Apr/04/2017 : Posted by: mel
There are lots of things that all of us attempt to do not just well but perfectly. High on this list is the art or task of parenting; raising our children. To this task we look to our personal experience and the families we were raised in and the families we knew growing up. Learning by example is a great tool, but in this era of self-help books we are also blessed with a wealth of books more…
The Children won’t play nice
Posted at: Oct/16/2015 : Posted by: mel
Related Category: Behavior, Politics & Gov, Watching America,
As a parent, having a house full of children can be a very rewarding experience. You get to see them teach each other things, show their individuality, and mature into unique adults. One of the most rewarding times is when they all play together with a respect and tolerance for each other. Ah, but I reminisce for this behavior is now only the stuff of legend and lore when watching our Congress more…
The Clerk, the Licenses and the Law
Posted at: Sep/05/2015 : Posted by: mel
Related Category: Behavior, People, The Law, Watching America,
There is nothing like a creative news story or event to pique my interest. With our 24/7 news cycle, there is always the potential to find something that questions what we thought was normal. Some of these events are about important social questions; some are a manifestation of holes in current law. Some of these unique events are the unintended consequence of change or misguided legislation. more…
For my son
Posted at: Apr/17/2015 : Posted by: mel
Related Category: Behavior, My philosophy,
A funny thing happened on the way to college, I guess I should explain in a little more detail. It is high school spring break for one of my sons and we are taking 5 days to visit a number of colleges. Trips like this are expensive, yet they are also priceless. As part of this adventure we have visited a variety of schools taking the canned tours and meeting with their admissions advisors. In more…
Intolerance runs amuck
Posted at: Feb/12/2014 : Posted by: mel
Related Category: Behavior, Common Sense, Society,
A moviegoer in Florida asks another man to stop texting during the previews. A few words are exchanged. One of the men leaves the theater, returning a short while later. Additional words are exchanged. The man who had been texting his babysitter flings popcorn at the other man. The man, who had left the theater and then returned, defends himself against the force of popcorn by shooting the more…
I just bought another car
Posted at: Oct/03/2013 : Posted by: mel
Related Category: Behavior, Common Sense, Perspectives,
Cars are really fantastic. A car gives us the freedom and mobility to move back and forth by 5 or 500 miles in a day. Cars are available in a variety of colors and styles. Much like the clothes we wear, these choices are great because with all the hours we spend in a car; it’s nice to be seen in the car that fits our likes and character. I recently purchased my fifth new vehicle in 35 years. more…
Privacy and Secrets
Posted at: Jun/27/2013 : Posted by: mel
Related Category: Behavior, People, Perspectives,
For my kids the use of social networking tools like Facebook have become common place. Many young people have grown up with this technology concurrently sharing all aspects of their life on their public walls. The entries can be announcements of events and career changes to details that inform the world of what movie they will be going to see in the next 10 minutes and their rating of the more…
Don’t confuse anger for passion
Posted at: Jun/02/2013 : Posted by: mel
Related Category: Behavior, People, Society, Sports,
Youth sports are big in my life. I got into soccer with my oldest son and have spent the last 13 years seeing the best and worst of what youth sports can produce. Over the years I have watched kids grow into adults and go from chasing butterflies, to creating phenomenal strategic attacks and brilliant goal scoring plays. These young people have learned the satisfaction of athletic endeavor, more…
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Finding humanity in the midst war
Posted at: Mar/14/2013 : Posted by: mel
Related Category: Behavior, Historical Insights, People,
As a member of the baby-boomer generation, many of the parents of my childhood friends were either WWII or Korean War veterans. I remember seeing in many homes the framed pictures of young men standing in front of their aircraft, or knelling in the mud with the rifles at hand. As a kid, seeing these pictures or the framed medals always prompted questions and awe. My questions were most often more…