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Opinions are fun. My friends tell me I am someone with lots of opinions and that's fine since I don't get mad at others when they disagree with me. In this same spirit I am interested in hearing yours views as long as you are able to share your views without boiling over. I look forward to hearing from you. I tend to write in the form of short essays most of the time, but contributions do not need to be in this same format or size. Some of the content here will date itself pretty quickly, other content may be virtually timeless, this is for the reader to judge.

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Don’t wake the sleeping giant

Posted at: Jun/01/2024 : Posted by: Mel

Related Category: The Law, Watching America,

A tragedy recently happened in America, and I am trying to determine how to fly the flag on my 25-foot flagpole. It's not the Challenger explosion that took place in 1986. It is not the Twin Towers in New York, which took place in 2001. Yesterday, the Justice System was used as a political weapon in New York. This perversion of our judicial system leaves me wondering. If I fly my flag upside d.....read more…

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Lawfare and a porn star

Posted at: May/09/2024 : Posted by: Mel

Related Category: Society, The Law, Watching America,

It’s 2024 and if you haven’t been following the news this election year, there is a twist to how the political game is being played. We have seen debates, naming calling, disparaging remarks on family, and twisted rewriting of history, but the latest game is called “Lawfare.” Lawfare is the use of the legal system and its institutions to damage, delegitimize, or hinder a political opponent. This.....read more…

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The Banana Republic of America

Posted at: Mar/26/2024 : Posted by: Mel

Related Category: The Law, Watching America,

The deadline is rapidly approaching for Donald Trump, the presumptive 2024 GOP Presidential candidate to present the State of New York with a $454 million bond. Whether you like or hate Trump, this comes off as a malicious and vindictive prosecution. Similar to many countries, from Russia to small Latin American countries. In these countries, the courts are used as a weapon to eliminate the compe.....read more…

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Progressive purity, or public safety

Posted at: Sep/28/2023 : Posted by: Mel

Related Category: People, The Law,

America is in the middle of what many would call the culture wars. Gender identity, crime and punishment, racism and being canceled are all aspects of this. There is no doubt that we have plenty of things in our society that need fixing. In the midst of all this chaos of thought we have backed away in many jurisdictions from punishing criminal behavior for fear of being accused of being racist......read more…

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Vaccinations are not in the Constitution

Posted at: Sep/03/2021 : Posted by: mel

Related Category: The Law, Watching America,

Unless you have been living in a cave for all of 2020 and into 2021 you have heard of this highly contagious virus designated COVID-19. As a worldwide pandemic, COVID-19 has shut down economy’s, changed how we live our lives, and killed far too many. The good news is that we have a fully approved vaccine. The bad news is that a large block of our population does not want to get vaccinated. Sp.....read more…

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What happened to the Supreme Court?

Posted at: Oct/13/2018 : Posted by: Mel

Related Category: Politics & Gov, The Law, Watching America,

We just completed the very contentious hearings and eventual appointment of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States. Considering all the mudslinging, political maneuvers and protests, it is amazing that we could ever get anyone appointed to the high court. Yet, more interesting still is that the Congressional fight over the appointment of judges is a fairly resent manifes.....read more…

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What was SCOTUS up to?

Posted at: Apr/30/2016 : Posted by: mel

Related Category: Historical Insights, Politics & Gov, The Law, Watching America,

Listening to lawyers speak beyond the fictional versions of television can be extremely boring and confusing. The most prestigious place in the United States for a lawyer to argue a case is before the United States Supreme Court. Acting as presumed experts on the Constitution, the Supreme Court therefore is tasked to evaluate judicial appeals, new laws and other legal content with respect to ens.....read more…

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The Clerk, the Licenses and the Law

Posted at: Sep/05/2015 : Posted by: mel

Related Category: Behavior, People, The Law, Watching America,

There is nothing like a creative news story or event to pique my interest. With our 24/7 news cycle, there is always the potential to find something that questions what we thought was normal. Some of these events are about important social questions; some are a manifestation of holes in current law. Some of these unique events are the unintended consequence of change or misguided legislation. O.....read more…

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Bring back firing squads

Posted at: Feb/18/2014 : Posted by: mel

Related Category: Society, The Law,

It seems as though most things we do or experience go through circular cycles evolving from acceptance, to falling out of favor and back again. Behind all the other issues that comprise our constant barrage of media cycles is a renewed debate on capital crime executions. Obviously, the debate on executing or not executing has not significantly changed, but the means of execution in those states .....read more…

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Freedom, Federalism and the First Amendment

Posted at: Nov/20/2013 : Posted by: mel

Related Category: Perspectives, Politics & Gov, The Law, Watching America,

One of the bedrocks of our governmental institutions and infrastructure is federalism. This is the constitutional recognition of the legal origins of the United States as a union of independent states. America started, of course with 13 colonies, which evolved to become 13 states. With the passage of time and expansion of our geographic footprint America has gradually added 37 additional states. .....read more…

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Dalai Lama
This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.
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