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Opinions are fun. My friends tell me I am someone with lots of opinions and that's fine since I don't get mad at others when they disagree with me. In this same spirit I am interested in hearing yours views as long as you are able to share your views without boiling over. I look forward to hearing from you. I tend to write in the form of short essays most of the time, but contributions do not need to be in this same format or size. Some of the content here will date itself pretty quickly, other content may be virtually timeless, this is for the reader to judge.

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The passing of an old friend

Posted at: Jan/25/2024 : Posted by: Mel

Related Category: Perspectives, Sports,

I know I am dating myself, but I would like to briefly reflect on the apparent passing of an old friend. Growing up in the 1960’s and 70’s one of my memories was racing to my best friend’s house every Thursday afternoon to see who was on the cover of the latest edition of Sports Illustrated (SI). Each new week was filled with glossy photographs and what I considered exciting writing. Sports Illu.....read more…

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Trans-gender and Common Sense.

Posted at: Dec/28/2023 : Posted by: Mel

Related Category: Perspectives, Society, Sports, Watching America,

Asked to define the word “woman” during her Supreme Court confirmation hearing in 2022, Judge Ketanji Jackson avoided a direct answer by saying “I’m not a biologist.” I am not a biologist either, but I think I can help with this question. To that end, let me rephrase the question to Judge Jackson: are sex categories in humans of "male and female" real, immutable, and binary, or are they merely “so.....read more…

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Where Did the Trust Go?

Posted at: Dec/05/2023 : Posted by: Mel

Related Category: Perspectives, Politics & Gov, Watching America,

The expulsion of George Santos from Congress in December 2023 for his litany of fabrications, lies and potential crimes is a major step towards rebuilding the reputation of that institution. Yes, it would have been better for him to resign, but this vote for expulsion sends a clear message that even in our permissive age, not every scandal can be survived. Undoubtedly, many of our American instit.....read more…

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It is simply wrong.

Posted at: Oct/27/2023 : Posted by: Mel

Related Category: People, Perspectives, Society,

Just hours after the October 7th attack at an Israeli music festival details began to emerge of the brutality and barbaric cruelty perpetrated by Iranian-backed Hamas terrorist. As the details of the cruelty enacted on Israeli civilians came to light, University of Michigan President Santa J. Ono joined a select club of campus leaders: those willing to publicly condemn the atrocities and stand wi.....read more…

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What are we really teaching our kids?

Posted at: Sep/29/2021 : Posted by: mel

Related Category: Perspectives, Society, Watching America,

The one thing that is guaranteed when you use race as a means to power or change is short term absurdity. The optics of race is currently one of the most popular cards to play when pursuing power. The absurdity arises when the simple facts that many people see plainly are ignored. I know, the “truth is supposed to ultimately come out”, but like so many things…the truth will appears as a retract.....read more…

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Biden 100 days in

Posted at: May/05/2021 : Posted by: mel

Related Category: Perspectives, Politics & Gov, Watching America,

In case you missed it, President Biden just finished his first 100 days in the oval office. This milestone is normally scrutinized by the press and pundits. Agenda is analyzed along with executive orders and public appearances. For most of the last 30 years new Presidents have used this window to promote their agenda and begin securing their legacy. Clearly, President Trump excelled at dominati.....read more…

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AI Made Me Do It

Posted at: Aug/23/2019 : Posted by: mel mann

Related Category: Common Sense, My philosophy, Perspectives,

On our American Independence Day of 2019, a large internet payment processing company decided to lock a friend’s credit card account. Why did they do this? After an hour on the phone, their answer was that there was some suspicious activity on the account. What was this suspicious activity? Well, apparently my friend had spent a couple of hundred dollars in one day. Something she does regularly af.....read more…

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How I like my heroes

Posted at: Jul/12/2018 : Posted by: Mel

Related Category: Perspectives,

I read on a regular basis and have for most of my life. I have read biographies, historical accounts, drama, science fiction, science fantasy, crime drama, westerns, and just about anything else you could find on a bookstore shelf excluding romance. While many readers have a specific genre they favor over anything else, that’s not a big concern for me. I will read historical accounts because I .....read more…

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Thoughts on Veterans Day

Posted at: Nov/09/2017 : Posted by: mel

Related Category: Perspectives, Watching America,

We are on the verge of Veteran’s Day and as a veteran it brings to the surface a number of thoughts. During my lifetime I have seen the public perception of veterans, the military and patriotism go through some extreme cycles. There is likely no better time to try and share some insights into these things and hopefully educate or inform just a little, those among us who have never put on a unifo.....read more…

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How to remember the Las Vegas massacre

Posted at: Oct/06/2017 : Posted by: mel

Related Category: Perspectives, Society, Watching America,

I began my Monday morning the same as most, a glass of juice and a few pills that seem to be more and more a part of daily life as I accumulate years and candles on my cake. The television was on in the background and I quickly became aware that something tragic had happened consuming all the broadcast. Now focused on the news I learned that there had been a mass shooting in Las Vegas the previou.....read more…

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Caroly Heilbrun
Ideas move fast when their time comes.
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