Welcome to MelsGoal

  Title Category   Posted Date
  The Other Acceptance Speech   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  Sharks, Talking Heads, and the Titanic:   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  Why I voted 2024   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  Electoral College or Tyranny   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  Kamala’s first big decision wasn’t so good   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  Is Kamala Harris an undemocratic choice?   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  Hatred Draws Blood   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  Don’t wake the sleeping giant   The Law
  Watching America
  Revenge of the Normies   Society
  Watching America
  Lawfare and a porn star   Society
  The Law
  Watching America
  The Banana Republic of America   The Law
  Watching America
  All wars kill innocents   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  World Watching
  My Memory is Fine   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  The passing of an old friend   Perspectives
  Trans-gender and Common Sense.   Perspectives
  Watching America
  Politics and Selling fear   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  Patriotism, history, and our best words.   Society
  Watching America
  Where Did the Trust Go?   Perspectives
  Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  Social Justice is a Farce!   Society
  Watching America
  It is simply wrong.   People
  Progressive purity, or public safety   People
  The Law
  You are Supposed to Represent us!   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  Not being so silent anymore   Society
  Watching America
  Exceptionalism matters   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  The Office Apocalypse   People
  Watching America
  The Failed state of Russia   Politics & Gov
  World Watching
  The new California energy solution   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  Tactical lessons from Ukraine   Historical Insights
  Politics & Gov
  World Watching
  What keeps me up at night   Politics & Gov
  World Watching
  Trivializing inhumanity   People
  What are we really teaching our kids?   Perspectives
  Watching America
  Vaccinations are not in the Constitution   The Law
  Watching America
  Time to rethink tradition   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  Biden 100 days in   Perspectives
  Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  Is that what you call news?   Society
  Watching America
  Politically correct math   Education
  Watching America
  The P’s of 2020 dominate   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  The Mean Girls are loose!   People
  Watching America
  25 Cents Worth of Democracy   Historical Insights
  Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  The Tragedy of Impeachment   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  A look at the 2019 California fire season   People
  Politics & Gov
  Where did all the empathy go?   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  AI Made Me Do It   Common Sense
  My philosophy
  What will religion look like in the next 100 years?   Religion
  It is easy to hate politics   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  What happened to the Supreme Court?   Politics & Gov
  The Law
  Watching America
  How I like my heroes   Perspectives
  The California Contradiction – Protect Us From that Straw   Society
  Watching America
  Could Splitsville be the answer?   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  Thoughts on Veterans Day   Perspectives
  Watching America
  Why the Battle of Dunkirk Matters   Historical Insights
  Critical Thinking at Risk   Society
  Watching America
  Protesting the National Anthem   People
  Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  How to remember the Las Vegas massacre   Perspectives
  Watching America
  The not so United States   Perspectives
  Watching America
  Crazy Judah   Historical Insights
  Dealing with choice   Behavior
  What makes a perfect parent?   Behavior
  Be careful who you blame   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  Trying to define 2016   People
  Politics & Gov
  What just happened?   Politics & Gov
  Sports and Politics   Society
  Watching America
  What was SCOTUS up to?   Historical Insights
  Politics & Gov
  The Law
  Watching America
  A story in a story   People
  The Problem with a Free Society   People
  The Best Number is   My philosophy
  She Said What!   People
  Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  ISIS and the anemic west   Society
  World Watching
  The Children won’t play nice   Behavior
  Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  Just following the herd   People
  Politics & Gov
  The Clerk, the Licenses and the Law   Behavior
  The Law
  Watching America
  Misunderstanding science fiction   Perspectives
  100 years of Relativity   Historical Insights
  Is this really freedom?   Society
  Watching America
  Being a Preppie isn’t getting it done   People
  Politics & Gov
  For my son   Behavior
  My philosophy
  When will they learn to shut up!   Perspectives
  Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  Some really good ideas   Perspectives
  What if he wasn’t killed?   Historical Insights
  One heck of a speech in Russia   Politics & Gov
  World Watching
  Finding the agenda   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  Is it really a sport?   Perspectives
  Bring back firing squads   Society
  The Law
  Intolerance runs amuck   Behavior
  Common Sense
  Cars that flopped   Perspectives
  The home team and my living room   Common Sense
  Why conspiracy theories?   People
  The misguided intent of Obamacare   Healthcare
  Watching America
  Is it Munich or Beijing all over again?   Historical Insights
  Politics & Gov
  World Watching
  Freedom, Federalism and the First Amendment   Perspectives
  Politics & Gov
  The Law
  Watching America
  Healthcare and bugs   Healthcare
  Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  What would George say?   Historical Insights
  Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  Game theory and politics   Perspectives
  Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  I just bought another car   Behavior
  Common Sense
  Hypocrisy runs amuck   Perspectives
  Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  Why some movements work and others wilt   Education
  The Great Kaz   People
  How do you judge income inequality?   Economics
  Was justice served?   Society
  The Law
  Watching America
  My how cars have changed   Historical Insights
  Privacy and Secrets   Behavior
  Evil needs to make a comeback   Common Sense
  My philosophy
  Don’t confuse anger for passion   Behavior
  Not all Anti-Muslim’s are created equal   People
  What about North Korea?   Historical Insights
  World Watching
  Why baseball lives on   Historical Insights
  Watching America
  Guns, Violence and Common Sense   Common Sense
  Politics & Gov
  The Law
  Watching America
  Carnage, Courage and Choice   People
  Watching America
  Where to pin a medal?   Perspectives
  Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  Finding humanity in the midst war   Behavior
  Historical Insights
  The Dow at a record high…?   Economics
  When TV and computers collide   Historical Insights
  Writing isn’t speaking   Behavior
  What happened to the signature?   People
  When the Catholic Church changed   Religion
  A good sandwich and a ballot   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  How steep is the fiscal cliff?   Economics
  What happened to Government?   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  Be quiet, I’m thinking   Behavior
  What’s the big deal with polls?   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  What makes a ‘great president’?   Historical Insights
  Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  The Pulpit and Free Speech?   People
  The Law
  Makers, Takers and a Little Truth   Behavior
  Good Speech, Bad Speech, Obnoxious Speech   People
  The Law
  For Many Americans, 9/11 is More History than Memory   Historical Insights
  Is Man Done Exploring?   Historical Insights
  Why are lists fascinating?   People
  There are too many people in Jail!   Society
  Watching America
  When do we call it performance enhancing?   Perspectives
  The fading of Amateurs from the Olympics   Perspectives
  Why I can’t stop watching the Andy Griffith show   Perspectives
  Do Politicians live on a different planet?   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  Sorry son, but you are not special   People
  The Decline of Horse Racing   Sports
  The Eurozone, only half a solution   Economics
  World Watching
  I have too much stuff   Behavior
  My philosophy
  What makes America Great?   Historical Insights
  Watching America
  Maybe Procrastination isn’t a bad thing   Behavior
  My 4 days on a jury   The Law
  It is never as simple as “Just an Iceberg”   Perspectives
  An Important week for the Supreme Court   The Law
  Watching America
  We Need to Stop Being Cheap About Education   Economics
  Watching America
  Management lessons to learn from 'Star Wars'   People
  Is Pearl Harbor a fading lesson?   Historical Insights
  The Voice of Steve Jobs   People
  The Tea Party, Constitution and a Case of Heartburn   Perspectives
  Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  How was your Power Outage?   Perspectives
  How Broken Can Things Get?   Politics & Gov
  Watching America
  Maybe we should be spending?   Economics
  Politics & Gov
  Are you ready for the end of the world?   Common Sense
  What do you want from Government?   Perspectives
  Politics & Gov
  Slavery and the Civil War   Historical Insights
  Productivity or Fear   Economics
  Gas prices and rollercoaster’s   Economics
  PETA and the Bible   Perspectives
  A two Party Debt   Economics
  What did the US Census Count?   Politics & Gov
  Islamic Radicalization Hearings   Society
  The economic coin toss   Economics
  The Modern Bedlam   Society
  Are Labor Unions relevant?   Society
  Bread and Circuses   World Watching
  Watching Egypt   World Watching
  The trust fund myth!   Politics & Gov
  The Ronald Reagan Legacy   Historical Insights
  Remembering the Shuttle Challenger   Historical Insights
  Hypocrisy at the synagogue   My philosophy
  The truth about Afghanistan   World Watching
  The 112th Congress   Politics & Gov
  Huck Finn goes PC   My philosophy
  A Historians Dream, State Department’s nightmare   Politics & Gov
  A recovery stymied by risk aversion   Economics
  Do more than Trust Your Gut   My philosophy
  Have you noticed the deficit?   Economics
  Don’t ask, don’t tell…don’t care   Politics & Gov
  How much is an Amateur Athlete worth?   Sports
  What Went Wrong?   Politics & Gov
  Vote or Shut up!   Politics & Gov
  Living with disaster   Perspectives
  Searching for the radical middle!   Politics & Gov
  Connecting the past to the present   My philosophy
  Comparing American Generations   Society
  A Nobel Prize for IVF   Perspectives
  The burden of Free Speech   The Law
  World War I is finally over   Historical Insights
  Should Marijuana be legalized?   Society
  Comparing Lee & Grant   Historical Insights
  When disasters aren’t really disasters!   Perspectives
  A Mosque near the WTC site?   Watching America
  Do we need to go to space?   Perspectives
  The Creativity Crisis   Education
  The need for Public Sector Pay & Pension Reform   Politics & Gov
  How and Why I write   Self
  I did not need to hear those words   Perspectives
  Are video games really a learning tool?   Education
  Arizona & A broken immigration policy   The Law
  A strange shift of priorities   Education
  Attribution and the Internet   Politics & Gov
  Do we need Term-Limits?   Politics & Gov
  The Rebellious Child   The Law
  No Protestants on the Supreme Court   Watching America
  Distractions run amuck   My philosophy
  Why banks won't help homeowners   Economics
  Stop slouching and stand up straight   My philosophy
  Charity needs you   My philosophy
  Regulating banks   Economics
  Separating church and state   Watching America
  Does Terrorism Work?   Society
  Who writes this stuff?   Perspectives
  Are we behind in Science & Math Education?   Education
  What’s wrong with Zero-Tolerance in public schools?   Behavior
  Wrapping up 2009   Historical Insights
  Doing the math on energy   Environment
  Are we really fixing Healthcare?   Healthcare
  The Challenge of Public Education   Education
  Too much bad news   My philosophy
  Barack Obama and the Nobel Prize for Peace   Perspectives
  Things ain't what they used to be.   Historical Insights
  Why stop at 435?   The Law
  Work Life Balance   My philosophy
  Campaign Finance reform in reverse   The Law
  Remembering Walter Cronkite   Perspectives
  Judges without personal bias?   The Law
  The Challenge of our Constitution   Watching America
  Why rebuild New Orleans?   Perspectives
  Is Hyperinflation Looming?   Economics
  The value of Torture   Perspectives
  Are we seeing an Iranian revolution?   Politics & Gov
  Is the American Dream alive?   Watching America
  What is happening to healthcare?   Healthcare
  What is the American Identity?   Watching America
  The Illegal Immigration Challenge   The Law
  The value of talking   My philosophy
  Let’s talk about lying   Perspectives
  Democrat verses Republican?   Watching America
  California’s water shortage   Environment
  Let’s move past Hybrid cars   Environment
  You’re terrible at writing!   Perspectives
  What to do about Piracy   Perspectives
  Do you believe in luck?   My philosophy
  Republic verses Democracy?   Watching America
  How fast should national policy change?   Politics & Gov
  Free Will and your Destiny?   Perspectives
  Was 1968 a turning point?   Historical Insights
  What is the future of Detroit?   Economics
  Abusing a Trillion   Common Sense
  Stay away from the Depression Word   Economics
  Where were our media watchdogs?   Economics
  Improvising our way out of the recession   Economics
  California and Gay Marriage   Society
  How old is the earth?   Common Sense
  Why do I have to help pay my neighbor’s mortgage?   Economics
  The End of the Road for Pontiac   Economics
  What’s wrong with “Too Big To Fail”   Economics
  Octuplet mom Nadya Suleman offends my common sense   Common Sense
  What happened with home loans   Economics
  Concerns over the Bail-Out   Economics
  Thoughts on Global Warming   Environment

Theodore Hesburgh
The very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision.
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